
My very own website!!! Yikes!

#BiBs2017 : Brilliance in Blogging Awards

Let me start by saying there are amazing bloggers out there and it is a privilege to read your work.
Now the bit where I cringe massively.
I want to be included in your number. I want to be taken seriously. I want to work hard and create a better future for my family.

My blog began as a hobby, a voice when my own was drowned out by the demands of motherhood. A space to be myself and share my experiences with the world in the hope that I can reach one other person who might be having a tough day and need some reassurance.
Now it is my fourth job. Something that I am incredibly proud of. Something I am prepared to work hard for. A little piece of me.
This year I would like you to consider nominating me for the Brilliance in Blogging Awards hosted by Britmums. If you have read one of my posts and think that it has made you laugh, cry or nod your head in sympathy, please consider filling in a nomination form: http://www.britmums.com/nominate-for-the-bibs2017/
I believe my blog best fits into the Fresh Voice or Family and Lifestyle categories, if you agree please complete a nomination (and state which blog post has had an impact on you if applicable)
Nominations are open to everyone so please vote, they close on Wednesday 7th of June 🙂
I am a very shy person. I reveal things in my blog that I feel could help others. It is almost physically painful for me to put myself forward like this. But I am doing it for my family. I am doing it for myself. I am doing it for the shy girl who never thought she could achieve anything.

Please take just 5 minutes to nominate me and your other favourite bloggers. Your 5 minutes could make a massive difference. Thank you in advance and I’m heading off to stop blushing and send in my nominations 🙂


  1. Good luck and well done for putting yourself forward for the awards, I know how much courage it must have been as I am exactly the same and I am always too shy to put my blog forward for anything either xx

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