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NOT an Easter bucket list!

In my calendar of post plans, I had noted down to write an Easter holiday bucket list. I love bucket lists as they are a great way to focus on things to achieve within a limited time period.
However, the vertigo is still restricting me a lot (will it ever go?!) so trying to plan ahead is a bit pointless.
Instead I have decided to write about the things I normally take for granted and I bet you don’t appreciate them either!

  • Popping out of the house. Nothing mega but being able to nip out to the bin, walk the 2 minutes to my parents’ house, doing the school run or a dash to the shops. These have all been almost impossible for the last 4 weeks. I want to bask in the sunshine or feel the rain on my face.

  • Supermarket shopping. I put this off so much because I dread having to take the children and the whole thing taking a lot longer than any of us want! But I love mooching around the shops, finding great deals and being tempted by new things.

  • Playground. Anya always wants to go the playground and I put her off a lot of the time because it is tricky trying to keep an eye on 3 of them at once. I want to take the children out on their bikes and scooters. I want to play with the drone. I want to have picnics

  • Driving. I am not the biggest fan of driving (well actually, it is the parking at the other end that I worry about most!) but I didn’t realise how much I rely on my car and what freedom it gives me.

  • Cooking and baking. Our poor family has relied on the freezer for quick meals that don’t require me to be stood in the kitchen for very long 🙁
  • Feeling well. This sounds like a silly thing but we can only really enjoy feeling well after we have been ill and we soon forget how good it feels! I promise myself during each illness that I will relish the feeling of wellness but I forget so quickly and focus on how tired or busy I am instead. Not this time!
These are the little things in life that I know I take for granted but am determined to appreciate as soon as I can!


  1. Great read I have been unwell off and in since Xmas and I am looking forward to feeling well again it’s been a long road but I’m getting there wishing you a speedy recovery thanks for hosting #globalblogging

  2. Soffy

    Wonderful read. These things may seem simple to some but can be difficult but hope you do! There’s so many things I’d like to do but somehow don’t manage to! #GlobalBlogging

    Soffy // themumaffairs.blogspot.com

  3. You poor thing! I had vertigo once left over from a terrible virus and it was awful. I hope you get well soon so that you can enjoy life again. #globalblogging

  4. I’ve been away from the linkup a bit and didn’t know you were struggling. I’m sorry! I’m glad to see you focusing on the little things and I hope you get back to them soon. Take care.


  5. Hope you feel better soon! Whenever I’ve been ill for an extended period I always think I’ll really appreciate feeling well again… you soon forget though don’t you! #globalblogging

  6. Oh I feel you on all of these points! With my SPD and being heavily pregnant, it’s making it impossible to do anything without it taking affect. We went to visit a grave last weekend followed by a coffee shop chit chat with relatives and that was too much for me and that was barely anything! I hope you vertigo gets better soon! #globalblogging

  7. I struggle constantly with my health and I think my guilt of wanting to do and be able to do more makes it worse. Maybe add to your list self love and being okay at doing the best you can. And when you feel better ease into it slowly cos then you may be ill again. it becomes a vicious cycle. Keep being strong, #globalblogging

  8. My Mrs., she gets bouts of vertigo. I read about giving up completely, coffee and peanut butter. I heard this works. She has not done this yet, but perhaps it will help you! I hope so. It must be awful! Hugs! #globalblogging xoxo

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