
My very own website!!! Yikes!


Yep, I’m feeling old! A quarter of a century since A Levels!

I invigilated a mock exam last week and as I wandered up and down the aisles it dawned on me that it has been 25 whole years since I was doing my exams. 25 years! A quarter of a century! I still remember sitting at my desk, the nerves, the adrenaline, the relief. I quite […]

What are Year 9 Options and why are they important?

Somehow my eldest little baby is the glorious age of 13 and choosing his Year 9 Options. It is quite a big deal and could, quite literally, affect the rest of his life! So what are Year 9 options? Simply the GCSE choices that will be studied in Years 10 and 11, and form the […]

Advice for exams: what to do if your teen feels ill

After our disasterous half term with the children’s tummy bug, it’s been back to exams this week and loads of the students are feeling poorly. We have got through boxes and boxes of tissues this week as hayfever and summer colds seems to have gripped Year 11. There have also been other medical emergencies including […]

To the girl crying in the exam…

To the girl crying in the exam, Don’t: it isn’t worth it. It is an exam. It doesn’t judge what kind of person you are or how special your life is. The question may seem daunting but remember, everyone starts at 0. You can only gain marks, not lose them. Write about what you know. […]

Primary SATs: the good, the bad and the ugly

The papers have arrived, the teachers are stressed. The kids probably don’t have much clue of the pressure the school is under to ‘perform’ acceptably, nor that their results will be published nationally and their school judged accordingly. This week, Key Stage 2 children, aged 10-11 will be taking their tests. Key Stage 1 children […]