My perfect holiday is perhaps surprising in that I don’t want to sit on a beach and read for a week! Instead, I like cultural holidays. Taking in the history, language and people of a place. Visiting tourist attractions as well as exploring little villages and big cities.
We have taken some wonderful holidays together as a family: Yorkshire in 2016, the Isle of Wight 2017, Wales 2018 and Scotland 2019. We try to arrange a variety of visits to suit all of us and there is almost always a steam railway involved for Matthew!
Looking back at the past three years, I think my favourites have been Blackgang Chine, St Fagans and glamping at Loch Ness. I think the kids would probably choose these as well!

I take charge of organising most things for our holiday: Chris can’t stand the pressure! We end up with a clear itinerary with exact timings to allow us to fit plenty in. This is particulrly important on the days with journeys so that the trip is broken up into chunks the children can manage.
Being English Heritage members has been brilliant for getting access to places all over the country so that we can stretch our legs and have something to eat and drink. Meanwhile, the kids don’t even realise that they are learning about our history and heritage!
I also plan for wet days as you can never rely on British weather! However, we brave the rain and enjoy ourselves…
We had decided not to have a holiday this year which turned out to be a good decision! We had a staycation to Bury St Edmunds and Norfolk for our anniversary in August but have not spent more than a night away from home this year.
I’m keeping my fingers crossed for 2021 and am thinking of Cornwall so let me know if you have any favourite spots to visit!