
My very own website!!! Yikes!

Oops, I joined the PTA!

School politics are a tricky business from the moment you start sizing people up on the playground at the start of Year R. I am sorry to admit that I am quite judgmental even though I try not to be, and have always considered the PTA to be saintly do-gooders, super mums who take everything in their stride!Craft items that a PTA could fund
Well, this term I have joined them! At both schools!
Due to my clerking experience (and 3 jobs doing so!) I felt that I had the relevant experience to take on the role of secretary for the infant and junior schools my children attend (plus I am already secretary to the local Scouts group).
I thought it was mostly committee and trustee legal stuff but before I knew it I was knee deep in hot chocolate at the junior reading evening and running a tombola stall at the infant Christmas fair.

Welcome sign

Now is not the time to get political (despite the imminent election), but our schools are brutally underfunded and the PTA provides a vital income and allow children who have limited opportunities to have great experiences.
I want to set a good example to my children, showing them that they can make a difference by spending time helping others. Anya helped me on the tombola stall this weekend. Little things and a small amount of time can be the difference between an event going ahead or not.
I am not a saint or a super mum but I try my best and offer what I can. So can you! and here are some ideas to help:
Biscuits that could support a PTA sale
Bake some homemade cakes of biscuits for school fair (they always sell better than shop-bought ones)
Offer to help on a stall for an hour or help set up.
Ask your employer to donate a raffle prize.
Simply buy raffle tickets or attend the fair/disco/event. Maybe even share the Christmas fair details on local social media to encourage people to come
Turn up to the AGM: this is really important as there are set numbers that are required and the PTA could close down if they don’t get enough bums on seats! You won’t be sucked into a role or commit to anything signed in blood (usually that has all be sorted weeks in advance 😀 )
If you have design skills then offer to make some posters to advertise events. If you are artistic offer to do face painting.
Many of these would only take an hour of your time but could make a big difference to your school and your children. Help your PTA now!


  1. I used to be in the PTA when my girls were in primary school and it was a lot of fun but the parents could be so ungrateful. They begrudged playing £1.50 for their child to see Santa at Christmas and get a selection box. Ugh!

  2. Ahhh well done you! The PTA makes a huge difference at my little ones school but as full time working parents – we sadly have zero time to do anything. Well – apart from turning up to events to spend spend spend It’s such a rewarding role – enjoy! #DreamTeam xx

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