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Yay! Matthew gets his Beavers cycling badge!

Matthew proudly came out of school on Friday with the class bear. I was less thrilled. we always seem to get it when we have NOTHING planned…
Phew! Monday night is Beavers night and luckily they were completing their cycling badges: something to write about!

We panicked a few weeks ago when the schedule was announced as Matthew was unable to ride a bike. He had outgrown his bike so there was a panic buy of a new one amidst much glee from Anya that she now could have Matthew’s old one.
We practiced in the garden, on the patio, at the park, in the street, in the alley.
Success: he could ride!
I proudly told the Beavers leader and she mentioned that the cycling badge focused on other skills such as safety and pumping up tyres. Panic again! But actually it was fine 🙂


Now you may have read about my worries concerning cycling and children as it is illegal for them to ride on the pavements. I have been overwhelmed with support from other parents saying they wouldn’t let their children ride on the road and face the same worries about safety that I wrote about. My vlog about cyclists on pavements and the dangers faced by pedestrians has also received a lot of support and I have heard awful stories of children being hit by cyclists riding illegally on the pavement. 
I still have a lot of concerns about cycling but until they have passed their cycling proficiency and have more road sense I will not allow them to ride on the road. Equally I will not allow them to cycle without me there to supervise so I retain full responsibility for their actions.

So on a happier note, after lots of practice riding around and learning other bike maintenance skills and safety tips, Matthew got his cycling badge and certificate. Proud mummy!
The next step is taking off the stabilisers. Both Matthew and Anya are ready for this but I’ll work on Matthew achieving this first as he is older to boost his confidence. Roll on half term!


  1. Awwww well done. I only found out last week that we could download sheets from the internet to get extra badges. Swimming ones are being applied for this week 🙂

  2. Yay hurrah for Matthew great news! We are also at the stage where we need to take off the stabilzers but to be honest I have the fear of doing so!!!

  3. Well done to him! I think if you’re not happy for them to ride on the road which is totally understandable and I know I wouldn’t be happy with it going to the park for a ride around is a great thing to do instead x

  4. Jen

    That is a great achievement for Matthew, well done. Great stuff and very clever. He’ll soon be away without the stabilisers. But I quite agree, roads are not the places for bikes. Keep to cycle paths and safe places.

  5. Well done to Matthew for his cycling badge! I am afraid for cyclists on our roads though – even adults. We have a long way to go in the country I think, compared with with Europe.

  6. Well done Matthew! My boys are both under-5 and mostly been scooting still. I cycle everywhere and have had them in a little trailer and an attachable front seat. Hoping they get excited about the balance bikes but the scooter is definitely a favourite at ours. Also, looking forward to our getting involved in beavers – I was a cub and scout and loved it growing up.

  7. Well done Matthew, it is such a good skill to be able to ride a bike! I unfortunartely can not, but my daughters father is teaching her to ride, not yet plucked up the courage to tell him as he would probably laugh, but you are never too old.

  8. Well done Matthew, what a great job! It looks like both your children are enjoying riding their bikes, I remember loving it when I was a child and can’t wait to see my son doing the same. I think he’s almost at the point where we’ll buy him one – he’s tiny though, and I want him to be able to touch the ground when he’s sat on it, not sure he’s quite there yet!! Thanks for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

  9. Well done Matthew! Learning to ride a bike is such a big part of childhood I still remember learning to do it myself. My eldest daughter is constantly wanting to go out on her bike and she is nearly without stabilisers. Thank you for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

  10. Pingback: Family night out at the Beavers bonfire | Musings of a tired mummy…zzz…

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