I have never been a fan of Halloween and now that it has grown in popular culture I like it even less. The only problem is… my kids love it!
We recently bought them new costumes for the amazing price of only £3.99 each at Aldi.
They are completely obsessed with their costumes. Matthew insisted on wearing his to the school disco even though it wasn’t meant to be fancy dress. The skeleton design is brilliant, I love the bright bones on the black onesie and the skull head cover is amazing too. It is really interesting trying to imagine that Matthew’s skeleton is really like that inside him! Just a warning: it gets a bit sweaty!
I think Anya will wear hers to her disco as well (plus she has to dress as a with at some point in Year 1 so I planned ahead!) The witch’s hat is good quality and I love the rainbow colours on the dress. The only thing I’m worried about is her getting cold, hence why she is wearing a red top underneath in this pic!
The main thing I hate about Halloween is trick or treating. Last year we didn’t actually get anyone so had to eat the sweets ourselves 🙂 The reason I dislike it is simple: it disturbs our evening, it upsets Ollie and wakes the children. Poor Ollie thinks he needs to protect us from anyone coming to the door and barks loudly. The children get all over excited and if it is after they have gone to bed then it stops them sleeping.
My children nagged me last year to take them out trick or treating so I took them to my parents and their lovely neighbour as well as a few neighbours in our street who have children. Did I mention that Halloween is in October: it is cold and dark! Not my favourite 🙁
The kids adore the Halloween Scary Peeper we have this year to frighten people and I think we will put it in the front window with some Christmas lights around it or lit up from below with a torch.
Having worked in schools for so many years, I did used to enjoy it when pupils came to the door and recognised me but then that led to problems of them knowing where I lived. One March I had a group of teens come trick or treating. MARCH! They did have the good grace to look a little uncomfortable…
Actually I must confess to getting this outfit for Matt when he was 6 months old so maybe their whole love of Halloween is my fault anyway… 🙂