
My very own website!!! Yikes!

My 36th Birthday Bucket List

Having yet another birthday has made me think about some of the things I would like to do in the next year (and certainly before I hit 40!)
  • Have an espresso (I can’t believe I’ve never had one!)
  • Go to Wimbledon to watch tennis live
  • Try wine tasting

  • Visit Disneyland Paris
  • Research more of my family tree and visit some of the places my ancestors lived
  • Attend a festival

  • Have a mojito and a margharita (or other cocktails)
  • Eat tapas
  • Visit Wales and Scotland
  • Go to a blogging conference and meet up with other bloggers!

I’ll report back next year on how I got on! Wish me luck!


  1. Ooo good list, apart from the espresso, eugh. I went to my first conference last year, it was fun. Don’t have anything planned for this year though. Disneyland Paris would be awesome. Hope you had a fab birthday #blogstravaganza

  2. Those are great goals. I’m also turning 36 later this year and I too have never been to a wine-tasting, Disneyland, Wimbeldon, Wales or a festival. What have we been doing with our lives?

  3. If you need to visit Scotland, visit Edinburgh for a weekend. Absolutely wonderful city! Think I may start a wish list to do every year, would certainly provide some motivation to do something different.

  4. Oh my goodness you’ve never had an espresso! Maybe a little overrated anyway unless it an espresso martini which is fab! I’m always dying to get to Wimbledon..

  5. This is a fab list! I turn 38 this month and I’m thinking if putting a list together of things to do before I am 40!! Some of these would be on my list. Not the expresso one though because I hate coffee. Would love to take the kids to Disneyland though.

  6. Pingback: The Travelling Bucket List | Musings of a tired mummy…zzz…

  7. I can’t believe you havent had those cocktails! I would def recommend them and going to a festival – you could do both together. And hey, why not stick Ireland on your list too – we’re very friendly over here πŸ™‚ I’ve never had a coffee either, but I don’t intend to have one, I hate the smell. Great idea to put a list together for the year. Mine would be : full night’s sleep and lost one stone. haha!

  8. Fab list! What you have chosen is achievable and interesting. I can’t believe you haven’t tried an espresso! Also may I suggest for a blogging convention you have a look at Blog On MSI, it’s amazing!

  9. Disneyland and Wales are AMAZING places!!! This is such a good list. Come to #BML17 in september! Still got time to pluck up the courage before talking to people face to face rather than behind a screen!
    Thanks for sharing this awesome list with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you next week.

  10. Loved this! I did something similar when I turned 30 and I’m now 31 and as yet, have achieved the grand total of F all! I hope you’re more successful than I (am sure you will be).
    Would love to try wine tasting, although I think I’d see it as an excuse to get pissed! Thanks for sharing with #GlobalBlogging

  11. Oh you should definitely go to a festival, I love Secret Garden Party and Shambala! So much fun, I didn’t bring the little ones which I would also recommend : ). If you go to a blogger conference I would love to meet up! I’m thinking BritMums but haven’t bought the ticket yet. Thanks for sharing with #GlobalBlogging!

  12. Pingback: Doctor Who is a girl?! Who cares? | Musings of a tired mummy…zzz…

  13. Pingback: I can cross off 2 things from my bucket list! Yay me! | Musings of a tired mummy…zzz…

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