Last week Jaki from Jaki Jellz nominated me for the Blogger Recognition Award, yay! Thank you so much Jaki, it really made my day/week/month! Please take a moment to look at her fab blog and Triumphant Tales linky that I regularly join.
Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog. (above, tick)
Write a post to show your award. (This is it! tick)
Give a brief story of how your blog started.
Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.
How my blog started:
First off I want to say that my blog would not be possible without my partner Chris. He is my computer guru and I love him like mad. He supports me and my blog emotionally and technologically ๐ We created the domain name years ago but it was last year when the kids went back to pre/school that I decided to start writing. Zach was almost 6 months old and I wanted something to catalogue our family journey. I also wanted to discuss my experiences of the world to support others who may be struggling with life changes especially those associated with becoming parents.
2 pieces of advice:
Have paper or notebook app available at all times to write down ideas. I’m hideously forgetful. Sometimes an idea or phrase comes into my head and I need to write it down before it disappears into the vacuum of my brain.
Keep trying, thinking, writing. It takes time and I’m still nowhere near where I want to be. I have set myself targets to achieve by the time my blog is a year old and I am on track to meet them. Domain Authority improves with time but I am pleased with my first rating achieved this week. Take part in discussions, groups and linkies to get to know other fantastic bloggers.
Other bloggers who deserve the award (I only chose 12 but they are the people who have been really lovely to me personally and blogly) and I will tag you on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram:
Thank you once again to Jaki and thank you to the nominated bloggers who have all been supportive and friendly over the last 7 months.