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#Project365 week 5

The sleeplessness of last week has improved a little and Zach stayed in bed on his own for the whole night last night, hurrah!
I’m relieved January is finally over, it just seemed to go on and on with relentless dreariness (although we have woken up to rain AGAIN today – poor little robin in the last pic – so maybe February won’t be a huge improvement!)
Day 28: a beautiful pink and purple sunrise sky and I love the silhouette of the tree in our front garden

Day 29: no surprise that the house is a mess with Zach wanting all toys/books etc at once!

Day 30: some tasty treats from this Amazon sample box, some of them wheat free and vegetarian so I can have them, yay!

Day 31: bolognese is always a popular meal choice in our house! Zach is using it as a face cream apparently…

Day 32: the super blue blood moon this week was spectacular. I was lucky enough to take this pic at 2am (thanks for waking me Zach!)

Day 33: Friday feeling and chilling out with some guitar time

Day 34: a robin in the garden this morning


  1. the robins always seem very friendly at this time of year, maybe hunger gets to them.
    My grandkids like to paint with bolognese , all over each other and the table. ( not in my house as I dont allow it)
    How well do they mange the guitar?

  2. Most beautiful pink sunrise, and a totally spectacular Blue Moon. Love how many books Zach wants at the same time. I spot many of our family favourites in that pile too. 🙂

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