Zach’s fourth birthday is rapidly approaching (how the heck did that happen?!) and I have been thinking back to his birth and early days. My first health visitor was a man and I did not feel comfortable about discussing contraception, breastfeeding, the sheer exhaustion of having 3 children aged 5 and under. I don’t think […]
My very own website!!! Yikes!
#Blogtober18 day 15: ones who couldn’t stay #BabyLossAwarenessWeek
Today marks the end of Baby Loss Awareness Week in which over 60 charities have united to share available support and raise awareness of the devastating issue of pregnancy loss and baby death. At 7pm tonight, people are invited to light a candle to create a Wave of Light and remember those babies that left […]
International Day of the Midwife (Friday 5th May)
Thank you! Midwives do an incredible job. You may have read my accounts of Matthew, Anya and Zach‘s births and know that each time was very different. Thank you to the 3 main midwives that safely delivered my three babies. It was all in a day’s work for you but it changed my life forever. […]
Birth number 3
Zach’s birth had a lot to live up to after the ease of Anya’s. It didn’t š Everything was planned to coincide with the Easter holidays and therefore my break from all three school jobs. He was due on the first day of the holiday. He didn’t come. I waited…and waited…and waited… until I had […]
Birth number 2
Now this is my favourite birth. I didn’t really believe it was happening and kept thinking it was going to get a lot worse. I woke in the early hours with vague contractions but just went back to sleep. In the morning while feeding Matthew his breakfast, my parents were laughing at how I was […]