I was a little bit worried about this. I personally find David Walliams’ humour on TV a bit hit and miss. I bought this book as part of my Amazon Book Haul and wanted to read it before handing it over to Matthew.
Well, the prologue I read with David Walliams’ voice echoing round my head. This was a bit distracting, but as soon as the main story got underway I was captivated by the narrative. It was well written, had fun pictures, lots of lists to make it easier for little readers and a variety of fonts and text size to help with expression if reading aloud.
Twelve year old Stella Saxby wakes from an accident that killed her parents. Her only surviving relative is her Aunt Alberta but she is thoroughly unpleasant with an owl obsession. Alberta wants to get her hands on the deeds to Stella’s family home and is prepared to do anything to get them. Can Stella keep the deeds (and herself!) safe? Luckily she meets the ghost who lives in her ancestral home and he helps her.
I’m pleased to say the book has a happy ending although I won’t spoil the surprise 🙂
I can’t wait to share this with Matthew and my younger 2 when they are old enough. I’ll definitely be looking out for more David Walliams books in the future.
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