
My very own website!!! Yikes!


Wedding Wednesday: the ring

You might be fed up with pics of my engagement ring by now, but I will never get bored of looking at it! I chose the ring myself and I think it is perfect. The stone in the centre is tanzanite which is a gemstone from Tanzania that was only discovered in the 1960s and […]

What happened on Mother’s Day? (Monday 27th March)

I wrote a list of 5 things I wanted on Mother’s Day: So…what do I want for Mother’s Day? . Did I get my wish? Well, no actually. But that isn’t necessarily a bad thing as I had a lovely day. First of all I didn’t have a lie in. The clocks changed so I […]

So…what do I want for Mother’s Day?

Big question. Let’s DITCH Mother’s Day isn’t going to happen. So, what do I want for Mother’s Day this year? A lie in with my book and cup of tea Pizza A nap Peace and harmony, instructions followed first time or even no prompting required Diamond earrings Reality of my list: I feel terribly guilty […]