
My very own website!!! Yikes!


Track Party, Basingstoke: traintastic!

Last year I spotted Track Party advertised near my sister in Basingstoke and was desperate to go but the tickets had all sold out šŸ™ This year a fellow blogger pointed out that it was running again, yay! Actually, Track Party runs at various locations in the south of England throughout the year (take a […]

Stop telling me to…

The world is full of contradictions it seems! My main problem is I hate being told what to think so here is my response to some of the social rhetoric that applies to me and my family: Stop telling me to love myself I’ll start off by saying I hate my body. I always have. […]

Doctor Who is a girl?! Who cares?

I waited eagerly to see who would win Wimbledon. I love tennis and it is on my bucket list to go to Wimbledon one day. But the main reason I wanted the win to hurry was because I wanted to know who the next Who is. Roger Federer walked along being congratulated by all (well […]

The objectification of girls? Keep your legs together!

Serious subject alert! I’m not sure at the start of writing this where I’m headed so bear with me! This post is inspired by the exam I invigilated last week. As I wandered up and down the rows of students a few things leaped out at me, harking back to my uni days when I […]