
My very own website!!! Yikes!


#GlobalBlogging : the final one!

Happy Monday everyone and welcome to the final #GlobalBlogging! A huge thank you to everyone that has supported this linky over the years and I wish you all the best for the future! Here is our gorgeous badge to add to your linked up post, any problems let us know! 🙂 <div align=”center”><a href=”https://www.loopyloulaura.com” rel=”nofollow” […]

#GlobalBlogging 175

Happy Monday everyone and welcome to #GlobalBlogging! Time for some happy but sad news: I have been offered a job starting in September so we have decided to close the linky. Next week will be our final link up so please join in to say ‘goodbye’! Please encourage your friends to join us by sharing […]

#GlobalBlogging 174

Happy Monday everyone and welcome to #GlobalBlogging! Is it summer in your part of the world? How are lockdown measures currently affecting your life? Please encourage your friends to join us by sharing on social media (or send them a DM and insist)! Linkies are a great way to discover new blogs and blogging friends […]

#GlobalBlogging 173

Happy Monday everyone and welcome to #GlobalBlogging! It’s now the summer holidays in the UK! Not much different from the last 4 months at home but, as you’ll see in my host post, I want to make the most of the time before schools finally restarts. Please encourage your friends to join us by sharing […]

#GlobalBlogging 172

Happy Monday everyone and welcome to #GlobalBlogging! Tracey is taking a break this week so please join in so I’m not all alone! Please encourage your friends to join us by sharing on social media (or send them a DM and insist)! Linkies are a great way to discover new blogs and blogging friends as […]