
My very own website!!! Yikes!


My first direct experience of Year 2 SATs

The last two weeks have been a bit odd for me. Zach has been taking his Year 2 SATs. My eldest has done them but I have not had direct knowledge of how they are tested. I have been an exam invigilator for GCSEs and A Levels for the last 8 years so it felt […]

Top tips for home learning: nobody’s perfect

So we are back to home learning. This time the schools have prepared more work because remote learning plans needed to be in place. But as a teaching assistant in an infant school, we were not expecting last week’s Prime Minister statement. We were in school on Monday and instead of being able to plan […]

Should schools reopen in January 2021?

Should schools reopen in January? This question was asked in a local group and is one that the nation is eagerly awaiting the answer to! In light of the new variant, the Christmas mixing of households, our struggling NHS, is it ethical to open schools?   Is it ethical to keep them closed when our children […]