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#Blogmas18 day 1: advent calendars, candles and more

This year I am joining in with #Blogmas with prompts from Me Becoming Mum. I’m still not ahead of the game, publishing this first post at 10.30pm so only 90 minutes to spare!
Growing up we always had a chocolate advent calendar except for one year when we had plain picture ones. The disappointment was intense even though they were covered in glitter.
Our kids have always had chocolate ones. There were happy years when they were too young to eat the chocolate and I would gallantly eat it for them to prevent waste 🙂

For the last couple of years we have also indulged the children with toy calendars. This year we have just had Lego but in previous years we have had Playmobil and Mega Bloks as well (last year we had a total of 13!).
We do the advent calendars in the evening after tea so that Chris is there to see them open them. It also means that we can feel extra festive if we have lit a fire.
In typical fashion, today we forgot to do the Lego calendars until the children were having their baths! Quick bit of excitement before bedtime!
Since living in our own home, we have had an advent candle as I bought several from Aldi that first Christmas. I was a bit gutted to discover we’d run out when we got the decorations done today!
How many advent calendars do you have?

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