
My very own website!!! Yikes!

Friday 16th December: wow what a week!

There we go. The last day of term. We’ve had Christmas plays, crafts morning and, most importantly, birthdays this week. My Dad and Chris both have their birthday on the 14th December so it’s been a busy few days. Here is the cake I made for Chris in honour of his Lego hobby ๐Ÿ™‚


Matthew added the 41 in actual bricks. The cake tasted yum but I had warned Chris it was made with lots of love but very little skill! We also had a lovely lunch out a our favourite restaurant. Look who woke up as soon as the food arrived…:



Matthew performed part of Bohemian Rhapsody in his school play. It was a celebration of the school’s 50 years. I had several other parents and staff come up to me to say how amazing he was in the evening performance which was very kind and made me feel so proud at how far he has come since starting school. He now wants to play the drums…


Anya was an angel (NOT typecast, I can assure you). We went out and bought this beautiful outfit from Sainsburys Tu range.


And that’s it. No more pre/school in 2016.

In other news, Zach has hardly slept or eaten this week which has been a bit stressful but I was rewarded by his first tooth breaking through this morning ๐Ÿ™‚ We are going to attempt sleep training this weekend so fingers crossed his teeth will not make it too difficult…

1 comment

  1. Pingback: Christmas birthdays and wheat free chocolate madeira cake recipe | Musings of a tired mummy…zzz…

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