
My very own website!!! Yikes!

Friday 30th December: sleep training update and teething poos :(

Christmas week nearly over. Matthew said it was the best Christmas ever and Anya cried because she didn’t get a telescope (!) (Matt did). Zach had 2 teeth erupt on Christmas Day so as you can imagine he wasn’t a happy bunny and paracetamol was his best friend. I admit I’d forgotten about teething poos. The stench, the texture… but Zach has happily reminded me πŸ™‚ It is a completely new experience for Chris and I think he isn’t liking it πŸ˜›

Zach astonished me by just going to sleep last night. No fuss at all. I just put him in his sleeping bag and left. 5 minutes later he was snoring, hurrah!

I am shocked to discover the bag of Christmas chocolates is still in pristine condition in the garage because there has been so much other food that we haven’t bothered delving into it. My mother in law commented on the way home that I eat a lot πŸ™‚

We discussed new year resolutions and decided against them. Instead we will set ourselves goals such as 6 dates for just us, 12 trips out with the kids, weekly blog/youtube aims πŸ˜‰

I’d like to wish everyone a happy new year and I hope 2017 is a great year for you all!

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