
My very own website!!! Yikes!


#MySundayPhoto it’s got to be Star Wars

I have already shared this photo on my post about Chris’ birthday but basically I am still buzzing about Star Wars three days later! There were so many thoughts and questions I had whilst watching which I then forgot about in my excitement 🙂 I guess we’ll have to go and see it again… Happy […]

Christmas birthdays and wheat free chocolate madeira cake recipe

Chris and my dad share a birthday. In December. Cue panic double present buying… Christmas in our house doesn’t really get started until after their birthdays. As a child, we used to decorate the house with my grandparents the weekend closest to Dad’s birthday. Chris remembers something similar in his home when he was growing […]

Yesterday was a big day…

So yesterday was a big day: Anya’s fifth birthday but also her first full day of school. A big day for her but also a big day for me. Matthew’s birthday (and mine) are both in May half term so I have always had the children with me for their birthdays, but today was different […]

My first blogiversary!

OMG my blog is 1 today! I don’t know where the time has gone since I wrote my first post!   My blog is completely different now to how it was then. I admit I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I’m not sure I’d ever even read another blog post when I […]