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mobile phones

Should mobile phones be banned in schools?

The Education Secretary announced last week that mobile phones should be banned in schools. I have such mixed opinions on this! Anya received a phone for her 11th birthday and I have just requested permission for her to take the phone to school. It will be handed in and kept at the office each day […]

My first month with my Moto G6

Ahh, that bank holiday weekend where I was without technology seems like a dim and distant memory! I have now had my Motorola Moto G6 for a whole month! and I am head over heels in love with it! I bought the G6 on Amazon after spending ages searching! I wanted one with lots of […]

The panic of being tech free!

So this bank holiday did not quite go to plan. We went down to Kent to visit my mother in law for her birthday as we do every year. Usually I take my laptop and use Chris’ mobile as a hotspot to get wifi access. We had decided to use some of our wedding money […]

Should mobile phones be banned at school?

Ooh this is a tricky one! It has been in the news this week that school experts including the dreaded Ofsted believe that mobile phones should be banned at school. I grew up in the era before the prevalence of phones. If I needed to phone home I had to use the pay phone in […]