
My very own website!!! Yikes!


How to help your Year 6 with the transition to secondary school

Well, we’re about to enter the final week of the Spring Term so the countdown has really started! I can’t believe we are almost two thirds of the way through the school year, but we are!   So we have one term left to prepare our big littleones for secondary school… Anya is lucky in […]

Why teens need parental love more than ever

Newborn days are hard. Terrible twos are tough. Primary school is difficult. Teenagers are a whiole other parental minefield. I have been invigilating exams this week and last, and have been reminding myself of how awful I found my own teenage years. the nightmare of friendships, the hormones, the self doubt and even hatred. My […]

Yes, I will parent your child if you don’t!

On Sunday, I went along to a soft play birthday party for my niece. Not my idea of fun at the best of times but with Zach’s broken wrist, my enjoyment levels were at a minimum. I was closely supervising him whilst the others ran amok. I spoke to some of the bigger boys, my […]

Toddler versus teenager: which is easier to cope with?!

I now have a threenager (hi Zach!) A complicated whirlwind of emotions…     I remember when Matthew was a toddler, and I had a newborn Anya, my neighbour with teenaged children came around and said she didn’t envy me as the toddler years are the hardest which REALLY surprised me. This week I have been […]