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Weaning stage 1

So I’m going through this with Zach at the moment. Before 6 months so I’m expecting the vitriol of the health visitor next time I visit. However, as with breastfeeding, I have come to believe that mum knows best. And by mum, I mean me 🙂

With Matthew, I was all set to follow advice and wait until 6 months. But he showed all the signs of being ready so I got on with it. His weight gain had slowed and then immediately scooted up when I started and the health visitors asked what I was doing different. I confessed to early weaning and they agreed he needed it and asked why I hadn’t started earlier?! AARRGGHH!!! It’s one of those situations where they have to give the official line but actually they recognise that babies are individuals and do things at their own pace.

Weaning is nervewracking once you get over just deciding when to start. Particularly with my fruit and wheat allergies 🙁 I have been mega cautious about boiling fruits to within an inch of their lives and testing it on myself first. Zach hated apple to begin with but has now developed his tastebuds and tolerates courgette!


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I’m now preparing myself (and Zach) for stage 2: introducing protein and lumpier foods. Wish me luck!


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