
My very own website!!! Yikes!

Archive for December 2019

Love Potions and Other Calamities, by Charlie Laidlaw

Set in Scotland, Love Potions and Other Calamities is a warm and rich farcical tale of herbal ‘witch’ Rosie. She is struggling to cope with the idea of turning 40 and feels decidedly unattractive. She hopes to uses her plant power to entice her husband’s lust but the plan goes awry, kicking off a string […]

#GlobalBlogging 142

Happy Monday everyone and welcome to #GlobalBlogging! Thank you to all our regulars who stuck with us through the change with new host Tracey from The Desperate Housewife! A new badge is still on my to do list but I haven’t found time yet… Wherever you are in the world, come and join us with […]

Nature’s beauty and the sparkle of the sea with Sand and Seagulls

In the midst of winter, I am thinking ahead to the glory of summer. Fun on the beach, appreciating the beauty of the shoreline. I have mentioned a couple of times that my focus for next year will be on becoming more eco friendly and enjoying the wonders of our planet. Chris was brought up […]

#Project365 2019 week 50

Day 342: a beautiful bracelet from Sand and Seagulls, ready to kickstart my eco friendly journey by helping me to focus on the beauty of nature Day 343: cold and frosty morning on the school run. Can you see my panda toes peeping out? Day 344: a sad and emotional day for my grandmother’s funeral. […]