
My very own website!!! Yikes!


Learning to let go: secondary school

How can my baby be in Year 7??? Lots of changes for him but also some major adjustments for me as I allow Matthew greater independence. Over the last year this has been happening naturally as we prepared for him moving up to secondary school. Walking alone Honestly, waving goodbye to him each morning has […]

Last minute back to school checklist

Don’t panic! Only a week to go and things are getting more complicated for me as I’ll now have one child at infant, junior and secondary! Here’s my quick checklist to make sure we’re ready: Uniform Children have this nasty habit of growing. This is especially obvious if they were in summer uniform and now […]

Preparing your child to move into Year 1

Starting school is a big deal but actually there is a major transition between Year R and Year 1. I have just completed a year working in Year 1 as a teaching assistant and Zach has just finished Year R. Year R or Reception is actually a continuation of the Foundation Stage which begins at […]

Matthew: Goodbye primary school and thank you!

Things are a teeny bit emotional in our house this week as Matthew completed his final days in primary school. Things ended two days early as his bubble burst Wednesday night at 8pm ๐Ÿ™ So, the little bundle I gave birth to is moving to secondary school! Time for a look back ๐Ÿ™‚ Year R. […]

A to Z of things to entertain the kids this summer

So close to the summer holidays (where did the last year go???) and I decided to come up with some activities to keep us – and you! –ย  busy for six weeks ๐Ÿ™‚ Alphabet games (names, food, colours etc) Bubbles Camping Den building Egg and spoon race Fruit picking Geocaching Hand prints Ice cream Jumping […]