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World Milk Day 1st June

It’s World Milk Day! I love milk and drink several glasses of it everyday. My kids love it too and would happily eat milk-drenched cereal for every meal if let them!
So to celebrate the day, I decided to make a treat from my childhood, instant milky dessert! At university I would eat a whole one to myself but now have to share with the 3 kids! How unfair. ๐Ÿ™
I decided to make 2 today so we all had plenty. I hoped to do colourful layers but didn’t have a chocolate one in the cupboard only the raspberry and strawberry.


I hid chocolate chips between the layers to surprise the kids and dished it up with squirty cream (if only I’d had 100s and 1000s to sprinkle on top!)


  1. Hi Laura, now that’s a blast from the past! Angel Delight was what I would call a guilty pleasure (like three-minute noodles). We still go through loads of milk, I love the stuff, in fact if they sold it in bars it would be my tipple of choice!

    Thank you for linking up with the #MMBC.


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