
My very own website!!! Yikes!

Blogging panic! Life overload!

OK, so the next few weeks are going to be absolutely manic with blogging, work, kids and other social events. To be honest, I am starting to get a little overwhelmed…


Today I have been reviewing a local restaurant (and Zach behaved atrociously ๐Ÿ™ ), shopping and doing paperwork for one of my school jobs whilst emailing for another.
Tonight Chris and I are off to Matthew’s Scout group for a parents activity evening. I may get a chance to throw tomahawks! Watch the blog next week for an update… I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned that I have joined the Scout Executive Committee (as if I’m not busy enough!) as I wanted to give something back to the local community after the great things they have done with Matthew since he joined, and Anya and Zach will do when they are old enough.
Mum is babysitting tonight and I have had to compile a timetable with minute by minute instructions!
I am frantically sorting washing as tomorrow I go away to Manchester overnight for the BlogOnXmas conference. I am a little bit terrified and a big bit excited…

I am also sorting out a card and present as Anya has a birthday party to go to while I’m away. Then there is also the bags and uniform to get ready for Monday morning as I won’t get home until VERY late on Sunday.
Next week I have work meetings, school PTA events and the following week I have more work meetings, a school information evening and 3 more blogging events!
Busy, busy, busy, and also very happy!



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