
My very own website!!! Yikes!


#Project365 2023 week 14

Day 91: what a way to start the Easter holidays! a sleepover at Jump In trampoline park with Beavers!   Day 92: not sure this potato approved of becoming a roastie! We desperately searched for some googly eyes but couldn’t find any šŸ™ Day 93: a quiet moment for skater girl as we waited for […]

#Project365 2023 week 10

Day 63: I spent the day at a dog first aid course which was so informative and interesting.   Day 64: wonder which of my children Duolingo was taking about…? Day 65: feeling sad about the burn on my favourite hand Day 66: signs of spring and both Anya and Zach pointed out the blossom […]

#Project365 2022 week 26

Day 178: my next running challenge is underway and I’m hoping to complete 70 miles by the end of September   Day 179: Anya rollerbladed for a whole mile! Day 180: Anya’s latest trick trying to convince us she lost a tooth. All she needed was a canine shaped stone and some red felt tip… […]

#Project365 2022 week 17

Day 113: a fun day with the Scouts (of which I am secretary of the executive committee) Day 114: last day of the Easter holidays and getting in some reading practice with his new book that we were kindly sent: What Makes A Lemur Listen? Day 115: Chris went to Loughborough for work and stayed […]

#Project365 2019 week 25

Day 167: Father’s Day in Winchester with a lovely lunch at Ask Italian where the kids experienced a babyccino for the first time! Day 168: Zach decided to play hide and seek but forgot to tell us… So it was a while before we started looking for him and we never would have guessed he […]