
My very own website!!! Yikes!

daily mail

Apparently I’m despised. But that’s ok…

My mum is an avid Mumsnet reader, her favourite section being the ‘am I being unreasonable…?’ threads. Mum knows I blog so drew my attention to this stream of vitriol against smug mummy blogs. Apparently the world hates me and other bloggers like me šŸ™ It isn’t the first time I have seen Mumsnet members […]

Slummy mummies and #solidaritea

Am I one of the slummy mummy brigade? Do I suffer from a ‘kind of dimwit narcissism’? The same day that this Daily Mail article was met with justifiable outrage by mums, bloggers and any right thinking people (biased, moi?!), I published my video post about a day in my life. It wasn’t an intentional […]