
My very own website!!! Yikes!

Project365 2022

#Project365 2022 week 32

Day 220: Wurzel and Chas have been with us a whole week. It has been exhausting but wonderful. We are getting lots of snuggles and they slept through the night right from the start. Completely manic play all morning then they snooze all afternoon. Day 221: shopping trip to get some toys for the pups, […]

#Project365 2022 week 31

Day 213: big news! Two days earlier than expected but we collected our new arrivals, 14 week old cockapoo puppies Wurzel and Chas. We are totally in love! Day 214: watching history as the Lionesses win Euro 2022 Day 215: can’t believe I’ve been learning Italian for a year. Hoping to finish the course in […]

#Project365 2022 week 30

Day 206: holiday! This week’s photos are all of the kids enjoying time together. First up is Lydford Castle which was a five minute walk from our cottage. Day 207: a day out in Plymouth and finding out about the Mayflower Day 208: quite a bit of driving as we headed to Land’s End then […]

#Project365 2022 week 29

Day 199: setting up the pool ready for some HOT HOT HOT weather! Day 200: Anya watering the garden in her own unique style Day 201: the grass everywhere is soooooo dry! Day 202: temperature was nearly 40 degrees so an hour chilling in the pool after work was a little bit of perfection Day […]

#Project365 2022 week 28

Day 192: who needs furniture when you can sit in a box? Day 193: cooling off   Day 194: I managed to locate Matthew’s old school shorts for Zach to wear during the heatwave Day 195: and I’ve unleashed my legs and toes on the world too Day 196: a very hot sports day Day […]