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IoW2017: Appuldurcombe House and back to Blackgang Chine!

Not content with Godshill and the Donkeys, we headed to the last of the English heritage sites on the Isle of Wight: Appuldurcombe House.
It was absolutely amazing and the children were enchanted. Large parts of the house had been demolished to make it safe after it had fallen into disrepair and then been damaged by a WW2 bomb, however there was so much still in place to fascinate the historian in me.

The children adored having free range of the house, the rooms echoed incredibly.

The surrounding land was beautiful but sadly we didn’t have time to explore due to a toilet emergency and there we hit a major problem ๐Ÿ™ No toilet here or at the neighbouring Bird of Prey centre, such a shame as it resulted in us having to leave much earlier than any of us wanted ๐Ÿ™
An idea sprang into our minds! (to be honest it had been there vaguely but nothing definite had been decided)
We started driving and the nearest place with a toilet was… Blackgang Chine!
The tickets allowed us multiple entry for 7 days from the purchase date so we made the most of our free chance to enjoy the sights and adventures.

It may not have had the wow factor this time around but it was still hugely enjoyable and we were so pleased we’d decided to return. Of course the kids didn’t need the toilet by the time we got there…


  1. Haha, love the fact that you used the free ticket to visit the toilets! That is definitely a mum win. Appuldurcombe House definitely looks worth visiting – fab pics. xxx

  2. Chris Gardner

    There’s toilets up by the gatehouse. Shame you missed them. When I was custodian we had chemical loos as there was no running water on site.

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