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Don’t panic! How to conduct home learning

These are uncertain times. No one has any idea how long self isolating and social distancing will be necessary. Some say weeks, others months.

The important thing to note is that we need to encourage home learning, not begin home schooling. We should be supporting our children with their learning, not trying to teach them. There is a huge home schooling network which will be partially shut down: families often link up for social interaction and learning but this will also be put on hold at present.


Our task as parents at the moment is to maintain children’s interest in knowledge. We have the opportunity to teach them life skills such as cooking, tying shoe laces but I do NOT think we should be attempting to teach them academic subjects, merely reinforcing and maintaining current levels. Simple school activities such as spellings, handwriting and timetables are fine, skills that are transferable and will be useful in later life.

I have planned a project based learning schedule. There are time guidelines but this will not be definitive. I am not a teacher so I will not be teaching: I will be encouraging a love of knowledge. I have chosen projects that will interest all three children and the tasks can be differentiated to suit their different age groups.

Here is what I have planned for the coming week:
MONDAY 23.03.2020
9.15-10.00 English: handwriting, spellings, rhyming words
10.00-10.15 Break
10.15-11.00 Maths: Mathletics, Times Table Rockstars
11-1 Meal prep, lunch and relax
1-3 Project 1: space: build a Lego space station and a space rocket, listen to music with space in title (similarities, differences, genre), paint picture of Earth, history of space travel, design and make an alien’s house, watch a film about aliens or space and write a review, create a cartoon about an alien visiting Earth for the first time, write a newspaper report about an alien invasion
3-4 PE with Joe/ walk
TUESDAY 24.03.2020
9.15-10 English: project 1: write a story about space
10-10.15 Break
10.15-11 Maths/Science: project 1: gravity and weight on other planets, planet size comparison
11-1 Meal prep, lunch and relax
1-3 Project1: space (see Monday)
3-4 7 minute workout/races in garden
WEDNESDAY 25.03.2020
9.15-10 English: project 1: write a letter to an alien to explain how life has changed due to coronavirus
10-10.15 Break
10.15-11 Maths: fractions and percentages
11-1 Meal prep, lunch and relax
1-3 Project 1: space (see Monday)
3-4 PE with Joe/ chase bubbles in the garden
THURSDAY 26.03.2020
9.15-10 English: synonyms and antonyms, handwriting
10-10.15 Break
10.15-11 Maths: Mathletics, time tables
11-1 Meal prep, lunch and relax
1-3 Project 2: restaurant: plan your own restaurant or cafe, design a menu/advert/poster, write a meal review for a newspaper, learn how to fold napkins, research kitchen hygiene (poster/leaflet for staff), cook items from the menu
3-4 7 minute workout/ throw and catch
FRIDAY 27.03.2020
9.15-10 English: project 2: menu (adjectives to describe food)
10-10.15 Break
10.15-11 Maths: project 2: prices and costings, discounts and special offers
11-1 Meal prep, lunch and relax
1-3 Project 2: restaurant (see Thursday)
3-4 Walk/ throw and catch



  1. I’ve been homeschooling for 20+ years, but that means I’ve had curriculum and a set schedule. I have great admiration for all the parents who are “suddenly” homeschooling with hardly any resources–and no way to get out of the house!

  2. Wow, great stuff. Although my teen has been set work from school – she logs onto the school system were she can find all of the work set – I’ve also printed additional worksheets. In normal circumstances, she would be prepping for mock GCSE’S so I’ve tried to focus on revision for her main subjects. It won’t all be work though, she will be helping out with cooking and doing fun stuff with the toddler. #GlobalBlogging

  3. Great idea. I’m working out how to get the kids exercising – the little one is easy but the teens are much harder – might have to enforce the exercise bike or a family cardio class…

  4. Great ideas but go easy on yourself and them if it does not go entirely to plan – there is learning for life in that too. Loads of usually paid for resources going free during the crisis which is fabulous. Also hoping home educators will no longer be viewed by so many as a little odd – more empathy going forwards pheraps #GlobalBlogging

  5. I drew up a timetable for the kids this week and so far so good. The key is what you say – home learning and not home schooling. I think I was guilty of that on day 1 but I want them to also enjoy the day. There’s enough doom and gloom as it is x #GlobalBlogging

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