
My very own website!!! Yikes!


I was tagged in the #20factsaboutme yesterday on Instagram so thought I’d share on my blog too!

Thanks to @littleheartsbiglove for tagging me to write #20factsaboutme

A post shared by Laura Beresford (@loopyloulaura) on

  1. My life is not going the way I planned in any way!
  2. I used to be a dental nurse and once pulled out a tooth with the suction
  3. I am a vegetarian because I don’t like animals. I don’t want them to come to any harm, I just don’t want them anywhere near me
  4. I was diagnosed with a wheat allergy after being covered in spots for months back in 2000
  5. I met my partner Chris through match.com
  6. I finally moved out of my parents’ home at the age of 33, and we live 2 streets away
  7. I found my first grey hair 4 years ago this month
  8. I have a Masters Degree in Psychology and was training to be an educational psychologist when I became pregnant with Matthew
  9. Motherhood has not come naturally to me, I don’t consider myself maternal
  10. I love Mexican food
  11. I won a trophy for most promising pupil in Year 7, it’s gone downhill since then!
  12. I passed my driving test first time, much to the astonishment of my instructor and my mum!
  13. I am an exam invigilator at one school and clerk to the governors at two other schools.
  14. I would love to travel to Italy and Egypt but have a fear of flying (I blacked out the last time I tried πŸ™ )
  15. Matthew is the name I would have had if I’d been a boy.
  16. My favourite colour is purple and so is Chris’! (we are perfect together in every way πŸ™‚ )
  17. On my first day in the classroom someone spat Wotsits all over me
  18. I am very shy but can put on an act (I pretend my glasses and make up are a wall)
  19. I really can’t sing but that doesn’t stop me!
  20. I love cheesy pop music

Thank you to @littleheartsbiglove for the tag, and I tag @battlemum @motherhoodrealdeal @thefrenchiemummy @mummygummie and @fivelittledoves


  1. I love posts like this, so interesting that you have a psychology masters, I loved studying psychology at A level. Lovely to hear you met your partner through an online dating website as I’ve done the same, testament that they can last x

  2. So lovely to get to know you a bit better. I had no idea you were so involved at the schools! I hate school trophies they never seem to have any indication of future do they?

  3. Thank you. I’ll be doing this tomorrow. Fear of flying, oh no. Have you tried hypnosis or watched the Fear of Flying DVD. My hubby did and it helped with his fear. He used to have to get drunk to get on a plane. Now he’s tee total and has flown solo to Philadelphia, Mumbai and Singapore for work!

  4. Jasmin N

    If I would have been a boy, my name was going to be Jesper haha. Loved reading this πŸ™‚ it’s nice to get to know other bloggers!

  5. I love this 20 facts about me thing as you get to learn a little bit about each person and the quirky facts are the best! I also have a real fear of flying so totally get that

    Laura x

  6. Now I’m sorry I’m not more active on instagram (actually I haven’t signed in for the last months) I see nice things happens there. πŸ™‚ I enjoy reading this facts about you and tried to imagined a tiny part of your life. Somebody had a great idea.

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