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#Project365 week 8

Back to work and school this week. Half term seems like so long ago already.
Day 49: the joy of peace and quiet until you turn around and see Zach has decorated himself with felt tip pens. The insides of his ears are still black…

Day 50: back in December I shared a photo of ‘peg boy’ on my Instagram. He has now developed his love of pegs to include putting them on his toes. Not sure if they are meant to be dinosaur claws or something

Day 51: Ollie has been through a lot in the past couple of months. He’s been ousted from his bed and had to share attention when we had my mum in law’s dog to stay. Last week he looked decidedly unimpressed by having the (noisy) children home for half term. This week he got back to normal, yay!

Day 52: no idea how many Easter eggs we need this year, not sure if I’m buying for other family or not. Tesco have a fab offer on at the moment so I got a few to keep us going! They are well hidden in the garage to stop anyone getting them early.

Day 53: a big day for Anya as she went to her first tea at a friend’s house. She didn’t want to come home!

Day 54: to be honest it is a relief that the school week is over. We are all a little tired and grumpy so looking forward to some time together.

Day 55: please excuse the mess but the kids had a great time playing together!


  1. Pingback: #MySundayPhoto cooperative play | Musings of a tired mummy…zzz…

  2. how many people do you buy eggs for? I took advantage of the Tesco offer and bought 8 for the price of 4, that’s for the teen, child 1, my friends 4 kids and another friends 2 kids, and that’s the lot. I doubt I’ll get an egg though, sadly. Oh my word I do hope the black marker pen comes out and I bet those pegs on his toes hurt a little

  3. Pingback: Musings of a tired mummy…zzz…

  4. Pingback: #GlobalBlogging 49 winter’s not done with us yet! | Musings of a tired mummy…zzz…

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