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#Project365 2021 week 49

Day 340: my first taste of sherry. Sip one: I can’t taste the alcohol. Sip two: I can’t remember my own name ๐Ÿ˜€

Day 341: finally picked up my pottery painted ornament and I’m pretty proud of it, yay me!

Day 342: happy with my ‘report’ for Duolingo

Day 343: definitley addicted to roast dinners. Worth the effort after a hard day at work!

Day 344: ending our witch and wizard topic at school by dressing up again. Now with the added accessory of a mask in all communal areas. Now that’s what I call style!

Day 345: Friday at last! One week left of school and we are counting down to our Christmas holidays

Day 346: yay, me and Chris both had our booster jabs


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  1. Not a fan of sherry, unless it’s in trifle. I love the ornament. I tried learning Italian from an old book of my mum’s way back t uni. I didn’t get very far. It’s probably much easier now with online learning

  2. I do like a bit of sherry, though not a dry one. Your Christmas decoration looks fab, big well done! And how wonderful that you are keep learning with Duolingo.
    Your three are a hoot.

  3. LOL! I remember being given Sherry back in the day – not had it in quite some time, good stuff! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Nicely done on your booster, I had mine this week, certainly quicker and easier than before!
    Roast dinners are definitely worth of being addicted to – so easy to make and a true crowd pleaser. Gearing up to make one tomorrow! Sim x

  4. Your ornament is so pretty, love the Christmas puddings on the scarf. And yay for you both getting your booster jabs. I am totally with you on counting down to the end of term this has got to be the longest one each year.

  5. haha you made me chuckle with your sip one and sip two! Dare I ask what happens at sip three lol. Your Christmas ornament looks amazing fired! Love how the colours when once its done. Hope you were okay after your booster.

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