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#Project52 2024 week 4

The end of an era. No, not January, which is still going on!
I have had both of these cups for about 30 years, using them almost everyday. Is it just me or do hot drinks taste a particular way in a special cup? These cups aren’t special in themselves but I have used them so much that they feel like part of me. The handle on the cup on the left had broken off in the dishwasher. I felt genuine grief and decided that to save both cups from further damage, I would retire them both. Chris did a fantastic job at gluing the handle back on but I will always worry about it breaking again and worse in the future.
So here is my final cup of tea in my morning cup. I never knew that I had had the final mocha in my other cup šŸ™ Now is the difficult task of finding suitable replacements…
Weekend vibes are guinea pig care. Friday night we took Toffee to the vet due to hay poke damage to her right eye. The vet used drops of special yellow dye to check of tissue damage and she is now on antibiotic eye drops and painkillers. I’ve spent a lot of time in the shed keeping an eye on her (pun intended!) and I am pleased to report that it is looking better today (Sunday)
I hope you all had a fab week!

1 comment

  1. Oh no! That is such a shame about the cups. I feel the same about a couple that I have, tea always tastes better from my favourite mug.
    Aww! Poor Toffee. I am glad that she is looking better, what a worry. x

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