
My very own website!!! Yikes!


Holiday 2019: Linlithgow Palace and Calderglen Country Park

Linlithgow Palace is a beautiful ruin of a pleasure palace for the Stewart monarchs. James V and his daughter Mary Queen of Scots were booth born here as well as James VI’s daughter Princess E,izabeth from whom the Hanoverians are descended. Sadly the palace became derelict after the monarchy united with that of England and […]

Ooh we had a fun half term!

The kids are back at school already, I can’t believe it! We had one of the busiest school holidays we’ve ever had and the kids (and me) have absolutely loved it ๐Ÿ™‚ There were some big milestones for them as well… Chris had Monday off work and we took the children swimming for the first […]

#MySundayPhoto half term freedom!

Whenever I ask the children what they want to do in the holidays, Anya’s answer is always the same: the playground. We attempted to go on Thursday but as we pulled into the car park it began raining (even some hail!) so we headed home (very sad faces all round ๐Ÿ™ ) I promised we […]

Bye bye summer!

It is almost the autumnal equinox so it’s time to wave goodbye to summer for this year once and for all ๐Ÿ™ You may recall that I set our family a summer bucket list…well, how did we get on?! A trip on a train We cheated a bit on this one. We didn’t go on […]

Summer 2017 bucket list

OK so the time has come to think ahead. Only 3 weeks to go. As usual I asked the kids what they wanted to do, after all it is THEIR break from school. So what did they choose? A trip on a train No surprises for guessing this was Matthew’s first choice! We live halfway […]