
My very own website!!! Yikes!

I can cross off 2 things from my bucket list! Yay me!

Back in May when I reached the grand old age of 36, I wrote a bucket list of some things I wanted to do/try/achieve by the time I’m 40 (if not before)!!!
And I am glad to say that I have successfully completed two of those things this very weekend, hurrah!
This may not sound fascinating but I had an espresso!
Confession time: I thought it was revolting 🙁 it was so bitter than I couldn’t stand it and ended up putting it in my hot chocolate to make a mocha (which you may know is my absolute fave 🙂 )
So the reason I had an espresso… I was at my first ever blogging conference!

A full post will follow on my wonderful weekend at BlogOnXmas but I wanted to highlight some of my proudest moments…
  • Bravely walking up to other bloggers, especially the famous ones, and saying ‘hi’
  • When a PR for a brand said she was already following me (!!!)
  • Driving all the way to and from Manchester by myself
And the thing I loved most…
  • Meeting some really lovely people, some of whom I hope to see again soon at future events and that we stay friends in reality not just online.


  1. Neil

    I had a double espresso at McDonalds once because I was very tired and I wanted to try it. It was disgusting but I still kind of enjoyed the horror of it.

  2. Pingback: Superhero tendencies? | Musings of a tired mummy…zzz…

  3. Pingback: BlogOnXmas in Manchester: my first ever conference! | Musings of a tired mummy…zzz…

  4. I went to Britmums yesterday and it seems BlogOn appears to be getting better feedback! I was a fellow newbie so I get exactly how you felt with the nerves etc!
    Thank you for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you back next week!

  5. Kelly Edwards

    AAAhh I missed Blogon but I did got to BML17. Love going to events and seeing other bloggers, it’s like a nice family reunion now! Thanks for linking up to #fortheloveofBLOG

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