
My very own website!!! Yikes!

blog on

#Project365 2022 week 41

Day 283: I really enjoyed the last Blog On Conference Day 284: absolutely knackered after the last week, I got nine hours sleep by channelling my inner puppy! Day 285: a big moment for all of us as we took the puppies over to the river for the first time Day 286: very dark morning […]

Goodbye to the Blog On Conference

Back in 2017, I nervously attended my first blogging conference. Blog On was a twice yearly conference in Manchester and it felt liberating to drive myself that far from home and bravely meet some super famous bloggers.   In 2019 the conference became annual andĀ  moved to Bracknell, only 15 minutes away from me! Then […]

Blog On comes to Bracknell!

As if 5 Reasons to Go To Blog On were not enough, here is a look at the delights that we had a fortnight ago when it came to Coppid Beech Hotel in Bracknell! The location was perfect for me as it is only a 15 minute drive from home. However, that did mean that […]

#Project365 week 38

Day 258: look how starstruck Zach was to meet the wonderful Megson after we’d enjoyed their Family Folk Show in Farnham   Day 259: using Alphablocks to name the parts of the body (yes, Zach is scarily good at spelling for a three year old, as well as all other areas of the curriculum!)   […]

May vegan favourites

Another month done and dusted! Let’s have a look back over the vegan highlights of May starting with Blog On: I feel guilty every time about being awkward but Laura and her team are always so helpful. The vegan gluten free cupcakes were fab-u-lous. Plus I rather enjoyed a couple of gin cocktails and a […]