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Happy Mother’s Day!

Being a mum is in the heart. It doesn’t matter if you have young children or grown up children.

Your children are the reason you get up each morning. Every morning. Usually earlier than you’d like. They turn your hair grey with worry. They drive you to distraction with their incessant and often ridiculous demands. They can destroy you in a heartbeat and amaze you with a smile.

I don’t consider myself to be a natural mum, no maternal instinct for me πŸ™ but the love in my heart is something I didn’t even know was possible until I had children. In the first week after having my eldest, I was sobbing with the power of the love and fear I felt. How could someone so small be so all-consuming? I asked my own mum and she said “Now you know how we’ve always felt about you’. I felt humbled. Ashamed for taking my parents for granted. Embarrassed that all that love had gone unnoticed and unappreciated.

This is a photo from my 4th birthday with my mum, sister and both grandmothers:

Times may change but being a mum doesn’t. You would move heaven and earth for your children. My dad’s mum (left in the photo) died in April 1997 so she never got to see me achieve anything in life, never got to meet any of her great grandchildren.

*This made me cry so I had to take a break from writing…*

I’m lucky enough to have my other nan meet all children.

I look forward to my children fulfilling their potential and can’t wait to see what the future holds for them. I may not always agree with them but I will support them.

I have given my mum a card and some books. But this will never replicate what she has given me or all that she STILL does for me. Mums are irreplaceable and it’s a job not to be taken lightly. So, thank you Mum for EVERYTHING and I may not tell you very often but I love you and I’m proud to be your daughter. πŸ™‚


  1. Being a mother is so amazing, sometimes I find myself so overwhelmed with love that I just look at my daughter and cry! I’m sure that is something that will embarrass her as she gets older. I can’t help it though, I’m just so proud of her all the time.

  2. I don’t think there is any gift in the shops which show a mum how much she is appreciated and loved. I gave my mum flowers and chocolates but what she loved most was coming over for tea, watching a film with us and them watching some old video footage of my boys together. That is what Mother’s Day is for.

  3. MMT

    A really heartfelt read – Mothers day is a very emotional time to think about all you have been blessed with, and also lost along the way. Happy Mothers Day – thanks for sharing with #coolmumclub

  4. I didn’t have a maternal bone in my body before having the little man. Then something just clicked, so I know exactly what you mean. Lovely post. #thatfridaylinky

  5. Pingback: For Dad and Chris: Happy Father’s Day! | Musings of a tired mummy…zzz…

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