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‘Who’s Been In Our Tree?’ by Diana Batchelor: review and giveaway!

I feel fortunate that I have never personally experienced burglary. Chris has not been so lucky ๐Ÿ™ and one of Matthew’s school friends was burgled earlier this year.
The impact on children can be somewhat greater than we imagine. Children live in a world of simple opposites and definite answers. But the things that happen to us in our everyday lives are often more difficult to categorise.

Diana Batchelor’s book deals with the aftermath of a burglary and the various effects that it has on the different characters. It helps children to be confident when expressing their feelings and demonstrates that it is best to talk about your emotions rather than trying to cope on your own (wise words for adults as well as children!).

In this book the police do not catch the burglars and this may be difficult for children to understand as in their world of absolutes the baddies always get caught, yet in the real world this is much less likely.

The illustrations are bright and colourful so all three of my children were able to experience the book together. The text is easy to understand and the concept of the favourite things is just lovely (but I won’t reveal more and spoil the surprise…)
‘Who’s Been In Our Tree?’ has been written for children but also includes advice for parents at the end. It has been sponsored by You & Co which is the youth division on Victim Support.
The section at the end of the book offers techniques for parents to help children through difficult experiences (not just the aftermath of a burglary). A clinical psychologist was involved in the devising of the tips for helping children which includes a relaxation exercise for releasing tension.
My children were able to fully enjoy the book and empathise with the characters even though they have no personal experience of burglary, yet ‘Who’s Been In Our Tree?’ has the ability to really help little ones cope with difficult emotions and life events.
Diana has kindly offered one copy of ‘Who’s Been In Our Tree?’ for my readers: enter the competition below!

Win a copy of ‘Who’s Been In Our Tree?’ by Diana Batchelor

Please note this competition is only open to UK residents.

*I was gifted a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. All opinions and photos are my own.


  1. Sad that they had to make a book about this topic, but it looks like it would help children process what happened. We were robbed more than 5 times in my youth – though it was always things in the yard and never entry into the house. #AnythingGoes

  2. This book sounds really interesting and a way to approach a difficult and emotional topic with children. Luckily we have not be burgled but this does sound like a good book and tool for people who have

    Laura x

  3. The Mummy Bubble

    Great idea for a book! I think this can be such a scary issue for kids to understand, so good to have something to help them process it x #bloggerclubuk

  4. That’s a great idea. It’s brilliant to have books on this kind of topic. We recently read one to our little man about the dog dying. It’s really important that they understand. Although I don’t eish burglary on anyone. It’s must be a horrible feeling.

  5. Although I hope I’ll never have to use such a book, it’s a lovely idea. I love the idea of books helping children through difficult times. Thank you for linking this up to #DreamTeam.

  6. Oh this looks like a fab book! I love books like this that are aimed to help with sensitive issues, sometimes books can help our children in ways that we are unable to find the words. Thank you for sharing with #bigpinklink xxx

  7. This sounds like a great way to handle a difficult situation. We had a burglary, thankfully only to our garden shed, but I remember our then 2 year old talked about it for ages afterwards. Even now he’ll still mention how they took our lawnmower and stepladder! I like the fact that the police didn’t catch the burgulars actually – it’s far more like real life, so really does help you explain to your child. Thanks for joining us at #SharingtheBlogLove

  8. Miss Tracy Hanson

    The only time we were burgled was when I was still at school. They took the kitchen window out and I remember coming downstairs in the morning wondering why it was so cold. Luckily they only took the car keys and didn’t even wake the dog up (who was asleep in Mum’s bedroom). I was on my way to school when I found our old car at the bottom of the road. They couldn’t start it as it had an immobiliser (I think that’s what it’s called) on it and they had given up less than 5 minutes away. I had to have a letter from my Mum explaining why I was late for school that day.

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