
My very own website!!! Yikes!


#Project365 2021 week 30

Day 206: poor Matt is self isolating but at least he has Kids Agaist Maturity to keep him amused!   Day 207: we’ve been making the most of the river this week. I wanted Anya and Zach to get outside without making Matthew feel bad about missing out Day 208: swans and their cygnets led […]

#30DaysWild June 2021

I signed up for #30DaysWild in June. This is a challenge set by The Wildlife Trusts and aims to encourage people to enjoy the outdoors by participating in different activities and reconnect with nature. Below are some ideas and examples of us completing them! Splash in puddles Paddle in the sea in a river or […]

Nature spotting in our local area

Over the Easter holidays, we went out to the river almost everyday. We enjoyed all kinds of weather but mostly sun! So first up is the heron which we saw frequently: Next we have the egret. Only spotted on one day of the holidays but we saw two! Dad was frantically trying to get some […]

Nature’s beauty and the sparkle of the sea with Sand and Seagulls

In the midst of winter, I am thinking ahead to the glory of summer. Fun on the beach, appreciating the beauty of the shoreline. I have mentioned a couple of times that my focus for next year will be on becoming more eco friendly and enjoying the wonders of our planet. Chris was brought up […]

#Project365 week 18

  The start of the week started so well and my vertigo is so much better but I have been overdoing it a bit and been really wobbly and unsteady again today šŸ™ Day 119: Matthew getting stuck in to a Harry Potter book: sooooooo proud! Day 120: a trip to see my little sister. […]