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Archive for June 2023

The Mother at Number 5, by Jill Childs

Ros makes a new friend on holiday and the pair go out for the night. Alcohol is flowing and in the morning, Ros can’t remember what happened, if she cheated on her husband or revealed the secret that has been haunting her. But a holiday friendship is temporay so she relaxes knowing she won’t see […]

#DreamTeam blog linky 42

Too hot for me but rain is forecast for later in the week! How are you all?  Thank you for joining us for the #DreamTeam linky. We want bloggers and instagrammers to interact and support each other but please double check the rules. The #DreamTeam linky is open to bloggers and Instagrammers from all niches. […]

Death in the Highlands, by Fliss Chester

1925, Cressida Fawcett is visiting Ayrton Castle in Scotland to offer interior design advice. Her trip is interrupted by the murder of the previous owner in a locked room. Cressida begins to investigate while she waits for DCI Andrews to arrive but is she putting herself in danger? Death in the Highlands is the third […]

Jane, by Linda O’Byrne

Jane Darcy has always been delicate and sickly, especially in contrast to her vivacious twin Anne. Now she is heartbroken and angry at her twin’s betrayal. Can she finally step out of her twin’s shadow and find happiness? Jane is the 4th book in the Cousins of Pemberley series which follows the next generation from […]

#Project365 2023 week 25

Day 169: an afternoon selling raffle tickets for the junior school PTA Day 170: oops, 3 more guinea pigs… met Ash, Caramel and Scarlet (l-r) Day 171: replace souris with cochons d’Inde and it’s accurate! Day 172: exam time is over so more time for me and that means cooking! Day 173: after 3 years, […]