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One Mistake, by Rona Halsall


One Mistake book cover


TRIGGER WARNING: this book deals with sexual abuse which some readers may find upsetting
Sara has spent her life supporting her family but has finally considered her own needs and returned to work part time. Her husband comes home with the devastating news that he has lost his job and wants to set up his own company using Sara’s inheritance money. The only problem is that the money has been lost in a bad investment.
Desperate to keep this a secret, Sara steals the money from her work. Her colleague discovers this and pays back to money, asking for favours in exchange. Does he have ulterior motives and can her marriage survive the lies…?
I had quite an emotional response to this book as it is very easy to sympathise with Sara who has put her own dreams on hold to raise her family. Matt has worked hard all his life to provide for his family and now feels like a failure and is determined to achieve his new goals. Yet I couldn’t help feeling so angry with Matt’s selfishness, his devaluing on Sara’s contribution. I felt that this was a comment on society’s under-appreciation of women’s work in the home and the patriarchal division of labour.
There is a great deal of unpleasantness in One Mistake. and it is difficult to know who Sara can trust. As a result of her choices, she is abused and some readers may find this distressing. There are also moments of violence as well.
The tension within the plot and narrative is maintained until the end of this psychological thriller. The anticipation grows and I almost despaired of Sara making herself vulnerable rather than admitting the truth.
One Mistake is the new title of the book, but in reality I felt that Sara makes a whole stream of mistakes. Alternatively, the mistake could be husband Matt’s as we discover at the end of the book…


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Author:     Rona Halsall
Book:   ONE MISTAKE (previously titled I Owe You)      
Publication Day:  05/05/2020
Buy Links
Amazon: https://geni.us/B084HQ2672Social
Apple: https://apple.co/39dTn5i
Kobo: http://bit.ly/39aVJlm
Google: http://bit.ly/2unhD69
How far would you go to protect your happy home?
Sara made one promise to herself when she was growing up in foster care: that if she was lucky enough to have a family, she’d always do whatever it took to protect them. Looking around her home with its cosy kitchen and living room, where her energetic teenage daughters and gorgeous four-year-old son all eat, play and live together, she knows she’d do anything to keep them safe.
So when Sara’s husband Matt loses his job and every shred of his confidence with it, she knows it’s up to her to bring the family back from the brink. Though she doesn’t know where she can possibly find the money they need to keep afloat.
Until her boss at work offers her a deal. He’ll help out. She just has to do him one little favour. But could trusting him save Sara’s family, or will it be a mistake that costs her absolutely everything?
This year’s most gripping psychological thriller – perfect for fans of My Lovely WifeThe Girl on the Train, and Something in the Water.

author Rona Halsall

Author Bio:
Rona lives on the Isle of Man with her husband, two dogs and three guinea pigs. She has been a bookworm since she was a child and now she’s actually creating stories of her own, which still feels like a dream come true.
She is an outdoorsy person and loves stomping up a mountain, walking the coastal paths and exploring the wonderful beaches on the Island while she’s plotting how to kill off her next victim. Rona also makes sure she deletes her Google history on a regular basis, because… well, you can’t be too careful when you spend your life researching new and ingenious ways for people to die.
She has three children and two step-children who are now grown up and leading varied and interesting lives, which provides plenty of ideas for new stories!
Social Media Links:
To find out more about Rona’s novels, go to www.facebook.com/RonaHalsallAuthor or follow @RonaHalsallAuth on Twitter.



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  1. Pingback: The Ex Boyfriend, by Rona Halsall - loopyloulaura

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