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Conquering heights on a Tree Top Junior Adventure at Go Ape, Bracknell

This week Matthew has been away on a residential trip. I was a little worried about him trying all of the activities while he was away because he is just like me and has many fears! I jumped at the chance to visit our local Go Ape in Bracknell. It is an experience none of us have ever tried before and I knew that for me and Matthew it would prove a big challenge.

There was A LOT of excitement in the car on the way there! We arrived and parked in the specially designated car park for the Tree Top Junior Adventure. Zach is too little for the course until he reaches 1 metre tall so he was safely at home with my parents. We signed in and received wrist bands then headed over to be fitted with the safety harness by an instructor.

Once fully kitted up, we were given safety advice and instructed how to use the trollies around the course on a low section before climbing the wooden staircase up to the main route.

This was the first time that nerves were evident: Matthew has trouble with staircases and we have had issues before at castles and the Look Out tower. But the anticipation of the course overcame his worries and he kept going all the way to the top.

The Junior Tree Top Adventure has 2 loops, the second being more challenging. We began with the easier course. Matthew was in the lead the whole time and was brilliant. Anya was her usual fearless self and threw herself into the course wholeheartedly!

The final challenge of the loop is a zip wire. I was totally surprised when Matt just launched himself off the platform. Confession time: I was petrified! Taking that step was a huge hurdle for me to overcome and I did it! I laughed all the way down but the harness was a bit uncomfortable in the groin area and my landing wasn’t the most elegant! Anya and Chris then followed too ๐Ÿ™‚

Next we went around the more difficult route. Matthew was a perfect height for all parts while I felt that Anya was a little too short and Chris and I were too tall for some parts so it was a bit more tricky for us. The loop ended with another zip wire and there were no nerves this time!
We had enough time to go around again but due to the current heatwave we are ‘enjoying’, we decided to finish our tree top adventure, collect our certificates, and head for an ice lolly.

Go Ape offers an adult course as well as forest segway which Chris and I are keen to try. Next time we visit the junior course I think Matthew and Anya will be confident enough to go around the course on their own with supervision from us on the ground.
It was a brilliant experience for all of us and the children didn’t want to leave! It also gave Matthew the confidence boost he needed for his residential trip. Proud Mummy!:)

*We received free entry to Go Ape. All thoughts and photos are our own.


  1. We loved Go Ape when we went, I found the kids were actually more confident than us! I definitely recommend sticking to it in the summer, I took the kids last year and it snowed, wasn’t a great experience ๐Ÿ™ #globalblogging

  2. Poe

    Wow that looks like so much fun! I can’t wait to be able to do this kind of stuff with my son as he gets older. I guess he has to be able to walk first, huh? Hehehe!

    Thanks for hosting! #globalblogging

  3. I’ve always wanted to do this….I’ve found I’ve become more scared of heights with age (and mumlife) so this would be great thing to do to overcome that. I think our daughter would love it to! Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub xoxo

  4. Oh I love Go Ape! We did a similar course in holiday once and it was so scary! Like you said, launching yourself is petrifying! Well done to your children for having a go. #coolmumclub

  5. we have the same thing near us called “tree top adventure park”. Been there once many years before becoming a parent, looking forward to taking my kids there when they get older #globalblogging

  6. It’s interesting to read your thoughts. I did something similar as a child and hope my daughters get to experience similar when they are older. #GlobalBlogging

  7. I’ve always wanted to go to Go Ape, but similarly to you; heights are a major issue for me!! I hope Matthew enjoys his residential.
    Thank you for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you back tomorrow.

  8. Pingback: #Project366 2020 week 32 - loopyloulaura

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