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The changes for this school year

Back in January I wrote a blog post about Zach starting school. Then Covid hit!
Thankfully he was able to start school in a relatively normal way and probably doesn’t appreciate the many differences to how Matthew and Anya first experienced school.

Pick up and drop off chats: I am not a big fan of being social and wrote a post about my social awkwardness. I miss it now though!
Parents’ evenings: I have had online meetings with their teachers about all the children. It is much easier to keep to appointment times but one had a terrible internet connection so conversation was a bit tricky ๐Ÿ™
Invites into class: often dreaded crafts but I love spending time seeing the classroom.
PE: not a huge fan of the subject myself but external coaches have been dropped and the use of equipment limited to avoid crossing class bubbles.
Sports Day: back in the summer, Zach missed his final preschool sports day and Anya missed her final infant school sports day. Who knows what next summer will bring…

School trips: Matthew had a residential trip planned for this month but it has been postponed until March. Anya’s year usually have their first residential in year 3. My year group is hoping for its usual trip to Windsor Castle. I have no idea if any will go ahead ๐Ÿ™
Assemblies: parents are not allowed inside the school building so class assemblies to present work and celebration assemblies to recognise effort have been stopped.

Christmas play: I am a little bit heartbroken about this! Year R always do the nativity in the school Christmas play and I have been to the previous 6 years in a row with my older two.

Birthday parties: normally I dread birthday parties. The panic of trying to choose a present for a child I barely know, the awkward chatter as the kids play. But the kids always love parties so I feel sad that Zach is missing out as by the time they get to junior school the number of parties reduces significantly.
All of the above are things that are being missed out or changed. Of course, Covid has led to some things being added. The frequent hand washing. Masks for parents on site. Extra layers as it is so cold inside with all the doors and windows open!
How have your kids found school this term?



  1. We still aren’t allowed on site – parents that is. They missed so much but it made everything done in a different way (with out audiences etc) still seem good. Sounds like you’re kids had a good year anyway! #Dreamteam

  2. I’m heartbroken about the Christmas performances too! Each class are going to do a little video performance of a song but it’s not quite the same! Also miss going into school as I was volunteering to help with reading last year. Saying that it’s amazing how schools (and the kids!) have adapted ๐Ÿ™‚ #dreamteamlinky

  3. Mackenzie is still at nursery, so the big difference for us is that we have to drop her at the gate and are not allowed inside. This can be pretty frustrating when everyone turns up at the same time and is left waiting outside for ages. But otherwise it has been somewhat life as normal for her and she has thoroughly enjoyed the year. Happy Holidays! #DreamTeamLinky

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