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#Project365 2021 week 15

Day 101: some retro garden fun with the Jump It Lap Counter we were sent to review

Day 102: SNOW. Well, that was unexpected and I had a run in it first thing in the morning. It was less impressive than back in January but we still made a snowman.

Day 103: garden visit to my sister for my nephew’s birthday and the kids had a wonderful time

Day 104: gorgeous sunrise for my morning run

Day 105: not only did I see the kingfisher but I also got a bad photo! Score a point for me and zero for my parents 😀

Day 106: we headed out in the car for a walk along the river slightly further up

Day 107: joining the nation in mourning for Prince Philip’s funeral. I wasn’t expecting to cry but the arrival of his horses with his cap and gloves really affected me. Forget the pomp and circumstance, this was the personal loss of a devoted husband and family man who served his country.


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  1. I remember something similar to the Jump it Lap Counter when I was about Anya’s age. I loved it.
    How cool you got snow. We had none here.
    I hope the running is still going well. What a beautiful morning for a run.
    I did not to expect to get so emotional while watching the funeral. It was the Queen looking so frail and Prince Charles looking so sad which got me crying. x

  2. Lapcounter looks fun. We had a similar thing as kids but can’t think what it was called back then. Weather was extremes this week wasn’t it. Snow and cold, then warm and sunny.

  3. Anya looks like she’s having fun with the Jump It lap counter – I’ve never managed to be coordinated enough to do them! I’m impressed you had enough snow for a snowman. How lovely to have a garden visit at your sister’s for your nephew’s birthday. Well done for managing to get a photo of the kingfisher. #project365

  4. How lovely that you had enough snow to build a snowman! Love the selfie with the shadow on the fence. Seeing a kingfisher must have been a special moment.
    The Queen looked very frail. To lose a companion of so many years, it’s a tragedy.

  5. The jump it lap counter sounds really fab to get the kids active! I need more toys like that for the garden. What a sweet little snowman and crazy isn’t it how the weather changes. Let’s hope warmer weather is settling in now.

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