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Happiness is…

Cuddle Fairy Becky has inspired me to think positively this week. She has a weekly positivity post on her blog as well as a Facebook group to encourage and inspire others.
I do not think of myself as a naturally happy or positive person. In fact, I would describe myself as a disappointed optimist. I hope for the best but expect the worst.
This week I have taken a different approach. The weather has been dull so I have taken Becky’s advice and tried to focus on the things that make the day sparkle.
I have purposefully not chosen any related to my family as they make me smile and warm my icy heart every day ๐Ÿ™‚
So what has made me happy…?
  • Waking up and realising I don’t have to wash my hair. This may seem silly but I have long hair that takes hours to dry so in this cold weather it isn’t a lot of fun. Plus Zach empties the bathroom cupboards while I wash my hair so that means a bit of extra tidying. Knowing I have clean hair makes the day start well.

  • Sun in my eyes. Despite the mostly dull weather this week, there has been the odd spot of sunshine. In the mornings our kitchen fills with sunlight and warmth, a really happy place to be. Then the school run in the sun, walking on my own with just my own thoughts and feeling the warmth on my face. It feels good!

  • A random act of kindness. These make you feel good whether you are the person giving or receiving. Stopping your car to let someone cross the road. Posting a letter for an elderly gentleman who couldn’t cross the road. Offering to help someone carrying heavy bags. These are all little things that can make someone smile and cost nothing. Plus it feels great to know you made someone’s day just that little bit better.
  • The 7 minute workout. I started this up after nearly a 3 year break (gotta tone up to look good in that wedding dress!) but then had another break when my mother in law stayed and then last week was half term. This week I did it again and it felt great to be working my body and focusing on myself. Each day I did it to earn my mocha and crisps ๐Ÿ™‚ If you want to see me doing the workout then here it is:

  • Winning an ebay auction or having a best offer bid accepted. I have been scouring the internet for wedding related bargains and I love the feeling I get when I ‘win’. Then the items arrived and it is the fun of waiting for the postman to see what he brings.
  • Watching nonsense on TV. While I sit and do ‘blogmin’ each night, it is relaxing to watch something on TV to keep me company. This week I have discovered Reign which is based on the life of Mary Queen of Scots. It is fabulous nonsense! Historical accuracy has gone out of the window. I love that it is self aware and even says ‘history will ever know’ to explain why events occur in the series when there is no factual evidence.
  • Climbing into bed at night. The feeling of the weight off my feet and back is amazing after a busy day rushing around. Snuggles with Chris are the perfect way to end the day ๐Ÿ™‚


What things have been making you happy this week? Let me know in the comments!


  1. Technically it was last week but my wife was pretty ill so work sent me home from Canberra to Wodonga (340km away) for the week on the proviso I check in daily. This was excellent as it gave me an extra week of cuddles with our new baby, our toddler and our 6 yr old. #GlobalBlogging.

  2. Oh, how I love the feeling of sun in my eyes at this time of year when the sun seems so far away!
    I brought in some forsythia branches to force into bloom, so hopefully in a few days we’ll have some indoor sunshine from their yellow blossoms.

  3. I have to agree with you on the not having wash the hair – i find this such a chore and half the time just can’t be bothered even though I have to! I defo feel that doing an random act of kindness can really brighten up my day – i need to consider the effect it has on my mood and how it can feel so positive. #Globlblogging

  4. I’m a firm believer in positive thinking and vibes although the smallest little things can get me down quickly. My motto in life is to always find the silver lining in each day no matter what! This was a great post and good on you for finding normal things and turning them into positive mindsets. xxx

  5. It’s normally the little things that makes us the happiest. Saturday past I was on my feet the whole day baking for our bake sale at church on Sunday. My feet and my back was killing me as I was standing all the time mixing, and putting in trays of biscuits and cupcakes. But seeing the reward on Sunday, how people enjoyed munching on my bakes – gave me so much satisfaction and happiness.#globalblogging

  6. I’ve been feeling so crap with my pregnancy and the twins the past week as my SPD is really getting unbearable, there is nothing better than a nice warm bubble bath and snuggling on the sofa with Hubby at the end of the day! Then bedtime as it’s one less day of this horrendous pregnancy!!! #globalblogging

  7. I love mindless television at night! It is THE BEST!! And yay for no morning wet hair. I love to wash my hair at night, even though mine is short. It just makes life easy when I wake up. #GlobalBlogging

  8. Pingback: Negativity niggles and how to vanquish them! | Musings of a tired mummy…zzz…

  9. Pingback: #Blogtober18 day 10: Just Be Yourself for #WorldMentalHealthDay | Musings of a tired mummy…zzz…

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