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#Project366 2020 week 31

Day 208: after Anya’s 1:1 time on Saturday, it was now Matt’s turn. I spent 4 hours building and painting for his railway while he went on his Kindle upstairs on his own! Oh well, at least he was happy even if if wasn’t the time together I’d imagined

Day 209: learning how to play Conservation Crisis

Day 210: not sure how many 4 years old are as good at spelling as Zach (diaphragm is one of his favourite words!)

Day 211: ticked off our first thing from our summer bucket list! We visited Grays Farm to pick some fruit and veg

Day 212: hair cuts for us all at last!

Day 213: another thing from our bucket list: camping in the garden!

Day 214: now that we are going inside my parents’ home again, we have started playing on the Wii and I had a go at Wii Fit for the first time in 3 years.

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  1. Lovely photos.
    That Conservation Crisis game looks interesting.
    I think you have a bit of a genius there with Zach. Diaphragm is one of those words I can never spell.
    The kids look very smart with their new haircuts.
    Our Wii is in the cupboard and has been for a year. I should really get it back out, that would get the kids moving. x

  2. Everyone looks very smart after their haircuts. I had to laugh at the one-to-one time meaning you were just on your own! No doubt he was very happy though, which is the main thing. How lovely to go fruit picking. I’m feeling guilty that I don’t have enough time to spend with my daughter because of work (the boys aren’t bothered and one of them works anyway).

  3. Your 1-1 time with Matt made me chuckle – I get moments like that with Sophie too! Glad he was happy with your efforts on his railway though. Being able to spell ‘diaphragm’ at 4 is very impressive well done Zach! Looks like you had a lovely time at Gray’s Farm and camping in the garden looks like it was fun. #project366

  4. my wii fit board is knackered, tried a new battery pack but still no luck. it has been well used over the 10 or more years I have had it.
    Handy to get the hair cuts done before school.
    that is a big word for a 4 yr old.

  5. Nice to get hair cuts I bet. Mine desperately needs doing but I’m booked in fo early September. Wow, Zach’s obviously got word talent. N would never be able to spell that.

  6. I’m very impressed with a 4-year-old being able to spell diaphragm – definitely a genius ! Love the fact that you’ve got a list of fun things to work through during the holidays. Lots of special memories to create there 🙂

  7. Zach sounds like he is doing brilliantly at spelling, Sebby’s is terrible but at the same age he could name and describe every single engine in Thomas…….its amazing what they learn when they enjoy something

  8. Well done ticking something off your bucket list! My boys love camping but I never really sleep so I don’t do it as often as they would like! I am tempted to buy Conservation Crisis, I love the theme and we are big board game fans here.

  9. Conservation Crisis looks quite fun, it’s not a game I’m aware of but will be checking this out!
    I am still yet to organise a fruit picking trip, I’m always so jealous seeing pictures and really do need to get on with seeing where we can go locally. Something fun to do for the end of the holidays! Hope you are all having a lovely week! Sim x

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