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February 2020: month in review

February disappeared in the blink of an eye!
Family: lots of wider family events including a christening for my cousin’s son, and my niece and nephew stayed over for 2 nights during half term. We had a family photo shoot with Mum and Dad and all their grandchildren which was lovely (here are my three looking almost angelic)

Work: completely unexpectedly, I now have 7 jobs! The school where I invigilate exams needed a temporary food technician so I have been enjoying a new experience! Two days after that, one of the schools where I clerk asked me to do some admin office work as I did for them last summer. Busy, busy me!

Days out: oh dear. Apart from the trip to Fleet for the photos and to Chinnor for the christening, we haven’t really been anywhere šŸ™ Our weekends have been spent catching up with chores and doing the kids’ homework!
Reviews: huge excitement for Funatic Foam fun at bathtime and UniVerse collectable unicorn surprises.

Books: I managed to equal last month’s total! Click on any of the book covers to read my review:

Food: no experiments or new recipes (except for my winter veg soup which I actually made before Christmas) but I have made my chickpea dhal again as I was craving it.


  1. Pingback: March 2020: month in review - loopyloulaura

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